Pre-Launch Sale Ending Soon

Pre-Launch Sale


It’s time to shine.

Learn How To Land Your Next Promotion

Empower Your Career with Leadership Skills, True Confidence & Communication Mastery

without wasting a bunch of time, energy or money

Getting promoted is not about age or experience, it's all about confidence, mindset and a few learnable skills.

Discover what’s keeping you from your next big career move and start seeing progress TOMORROW!

Getting promoted is not about age or experience, it's all about confidence, mindset and a few learnable skills.

Discover what’s keeping you from your next big career move and start seeing progress TOMORROW!

Don't just take my word for it. See what the talk is about!

"This course was super valuable and helpful. Nadja explained everything in a super easy to understand way and the printable cheat sheets are GOLD"

- Katharina D.

"After going through the course, I finally had the courage to approached my boss about a promotion. AND I GOT IT!! :) Thank you so much Nadja! "

- Sarah K.

"I loved every second of the course! The excerises are so much fun and I learned so much. I now have a plan of where I want to be in a year and I actually feel confident that I will get there."

- Maria S.

Don't just take my word for it. See what the talk is about!

"This course truly transformed my life. I feel way more organized and confident but the best part is that I finally don't feel anxious about work meeting and voicing my opinion anymore. Nadja explain everything in a super easy to understand way and the printable cheat sheets are GOLD" - Katharina D.

"Before taking Nadja's course, I struggled with voicing my career ambitions. However, after going through the course, I finally approached my boss about my aspirations. To my surprise, I was met with support and encouragement. Now, I'm working closely with my boss to pave the way for my future leadership role within our team. Thank you so much Nadja! " - Sarah K.

"I loved every second of the course! The excerises are so much fun and I learned so much about myself. For the first time in my career, I feel like I have a plan of where I want to be in a year and I actually feel confident that I will get there." - Maria S.

The Girlboss Transformation Process

The Step-By-Step Process to Success

Overcome Self-Doubt & Procrastination

You’ve got to be career savvy – but more importantly you’ve got to learn to ask for what you want and believe you deserve it.

Discover your unique strengths and the secrets to a winner mindset. You will learn how to build true confidence from within and how to overcome anxiety. This way you will shine in every professional setting and unlock new opportunities for success.

Master Communication & Negotiation

Knowing what you want is only half the battle. You got to be able to communicate it effectively as well and know how to make the ask.

You will learn all the tips and tricks of effective communication, aligned body-language, and masterful conflict resolution.

Win arguments, stop fearing salary negotiations, and confidently get your points across to make a lasting impact at work.

Demonstrate Leadership Potential

No matter your career ambition, mastering leadership skills will completely transform your life and fast track your career. It's not about spinning your wheels faster.

Enhance your work-life balance by mastering the art of time management and prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities and learning how to set boundaries and saying NO.

Accelerate Your Career Success

What are the next 3 steps you have to take to get closer to your promotion? Don't know? We will change that!

You will create your personal development plan, that's uniquely for you, that saves you tons of time and energy by focusing on the right things to get your next promotion. You will not just know exactly what you want next in your career but also how to get it FAST!

The Girlboss Transformation

Unlock Confidence & Uniqueness

To get promoted and finally receive the salary and title you deserve, you’ve got to be career savvy – but more importantly you’ve got to learn to ask for what you want and believe you deserve it.

You will build true inner confidence, stop that inner critic, discover your unique strengths and how you can utulize your personality type to win at work.

Master Communication

& Negotiation

Knowing what you want is only half the battle. You got to be able to communicate it effectively as well and know how to make the ask.

You will learn all the tips and tricks of effective communication, aligned body-language, and masterful conflict resolution.

Win arguments, stop fearing salary negotiations, and confidently get your points across to make a lasting impact at work.

Become A Leader & Improve Your Work-Life-Balance

No matter your career ambition, mastering leadership skills will completely transform your life and fast track your career. It's not about spinning your wheels faster.

Enhance your work-life balance by mastering the art of time management and prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities and learning how to set boundaries and saying NO.

Accelerate Your Career

What are the next 3 steps you have to take to get closer to your promotion? Don't know? We will change that!

You will create your personal development plan, that's uniquely for you, that saves you tons of time and energy by focusing on the right things to get your next promotion. You will not just know exactly what you want next in your career but also how to get it FAST!

It's Time To Make a Change If...

  • You're not advancing in your career as quickly as you would like

  • You've been passed up for a promotion or denied a raise

  • You're feeling undervalued and unmotivated in your career

  • You're afraid to speak up and ask for what you really want at work

  • You dream of a leadership role but don't know how to actually land one

You might think you are doing all the right things but you could be missing some critical components.

Create your personal customized roadmap to building a career you love and to get the title and money you deserve.

This course will help you figure out what's holding you back from landing your first leadership role or your next promotion and build the confidence to ask for what you want.

Benefit From My Pre-Launch Sale for just 197$

Save 70% TODAY!

Benefit From My Pre-Launch Sale for just 197$

Save 70% TODAY!

It's Time To Make a Change If...

  • You're not advancing in your career as quickly as you would like

  • You've been passed up for a promotion or denied a raise

  • You're afraid to speak up and ask for what you really want at work

  • You know you're capable of so much more, but you're not sure how to move up

You might think you are doing all the right things but you could be missing some critical components.



What To Expect


The days of feeling unappreciated and unrecognized at work are over. With the newfound confidence and clarity of your unique strengths, you’ll show up like never before and get the kind of recognition you’ve always known you deserve.

Whether you’re looking for a salary increase, moving up to management, or the long deserved promotion, together we’ll create a customized plan to get you there. No more feeling stuck in the hamster wheel — it’s time for you to make the big career moves you’ve been dreaming of.

With a whole new level of self-confidence, it’s your time to thrive both in your career and your personal life. When you stop holding yourself back and step into your potential, you unlock the leader within and create not only a job that satisfies you on a deeper level, but a life that you love living.

What You Will Learn In This Course

I took my career from making 26.000€ to landing my first leadership role and making a 6-digit salary before turning 30. To save you time and energy, I will share how I did it and how you can too!

Day 1: The Millionaire & Girlboss Mindset

  • The 3 Golden Rules and How to Be Successful with Almost Anything

  • Can You Break Through Your Limits? The Power of "Not Yet"

Day 1: The Millionaire & Girlboss Mindset

  • The 3 Golden Rules and How to Be Successful with Almost Anything

  • Can You Break Through Your Limits? The Power of "Not Yet"

Day 2: Self-Discovery & Your Compass

  • The 5 Personalities Of A Great Leader - Which One Do You Embody?

  • What are Your Superpowers and How to Discover Them?

Nutrition, Exercise & Recovery

  • Simplification: We'll simplify your approach to Nutrition & Exercise and back it up with science, so you don't waste time & energy on inefficient programs and see faster results

  • Sleep: You will learn all you need to know about sleep and how small tweaks can supercharge your recovery and optimize your brains activities such as creative problem solving skills

  • In-Shape and Healthy: Not only will you receive a workout plan, designed by a NSCA certified Strength and Conditioning Trainer, you will also learn what and how much exercise is really needed 

  • Nutrition Guide: You will learn everything you need to built your own nutrition plan that fits perfectly into your lifestyle

Confidence, Happiness & Mental Well-Being

  • Confidence Boost: Overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome with daily exercises and learn how to overcome anxiety

  • Enhanced Mental Well-Being: Acquire strategies for managing stress, restlessness and strong emotions, along with techniques for enhancing mental well-being and emotional resilience.

  • Systems Thinking and Habit Development: Learn how lasting habits are formed and how you can work with your brain instead of wasting time and energy by approaching life changes the wrong way

Confidence, Happiness & Mental Well-Being

  • Confidence Boost: Overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome with daily exercises and learn how to overcome anxiety

  • Enhanced Mental Well-Being: Acquire strategies for managing stress, restlessness and strong emotions, along with techniques for enhancing mental well-being and emotional resilience.

  • Systems Thinking and Habit Development: Learn how lasting habits are formed and how you can work with your brain instead of wasting time and energy by approaching life changes the wrong way

Day 2: Self-Discovery

  • The 5 Personalities Of A Great Leader - Which One Do You Embody?

  • What are Your Superpowers and How to Discover Them?

Confidence, Happiness & Mental Well-Being

  • Confidence Boost: Overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome with daily exercises and learn how to overcome anxiety

  • Enhanced Mental Well-Being: Acquire strategies for managing stress, restlessness and strong emotions, along with techniques for enhancing mental well-being and emotional resilience.

  • Systems Thinking and Habit Development: Learn how lasting habits are formed and how you can work with your brain instead of wasting time and energy by approaching life changes the wrong way

Day 3: Confidence

  • Master The Only 2 Things You Need To Build Unstoppable Self-Confidence and How to Combat Confidence-Killers

  • The Real Secret of of Power Poses & Body Language

  • How An Elevator Will Change You

Day 4: Communication & Negotiation

  • The Art Of Misunderstanding

  • The Secrets of Good Communication and How To Become A Communication-Master

  • How to Negotiate (almost) ANYTHING

  • The Power of “We” in Negotiations

  • How To Stand Up For Yourself

Day 5: Leadership

  • How To Be A Problem Solver and Make Smart Decisions

  • Learning To Say "NO", Setting Boundaries And Starting To Delegate

  • Understanding the Concept of Time and How to Manage It Effectively

  • Learning To Say "NO", Setting Boundaries And Starting To Delegate

  • Are You Firefighting or Making Strategic Moves?

  • Navigating the Corporate World As A Female - My Personal Tips

  • How To Give And Receive Feedback That Is Actually Heard and Helpful

Day 6: It's Time For Action

  • How to Own Your Career Success and Get Your Boss Invested In Your Development

  • A Step-By-Step Guide To Personal Development And Action Plan

Day 7: Putting It All Together

  • How To Move On From Here And The Real Secret to Being A Girlboss

Day 3: Confidence

  • Master The Only 2 Things You Need To Build Unstoppable Self-Confidence and How to Combat Confidence-Killers

  • The Real Secret of of Power Poses & Body Language

  • How An Elevator Will Change You

Day 4: Communication & Negotiation

  • The Art Of Misunderstanding

  • The Secrets of Good Communication and How To Become A Communication-Master

  • How to Negotiate (almost) ANYTHING

  • The Power of “We” in Negotiations

  • How To Stand Up For Yourself

Day 5: Leadership

  • How To Be A Problem Solver and Make Smart Decisions

  • Learning To Say "NO", Setting Boundaries And Starting To Delegate

  • Understanding the Concept of Time and How to Manage It Effectively

  • Learning To Say "NO", Setting Boundaries And Starting To Delegate

  • Are You Firefighting or Making Strategic Moves?

  • Navigating the Corporate World As A Female - My Personal Tips

  • How To Give And Receive Feedback That Is Actually Heard and Helpful

Day 6: It's Time For Action

  • How to Own Your Career Success and Get Your Boss Invested In Your Development

  • A Step-By-Step Guide To Personal Development And Action Plan

If You Join Right Now

this is what you will get lifetime access to

Day 7: Putting It All Together

  • How To Move On From Here And The Real Secret to Being A Girlboss

Complete Package

Hi there, my name is Nadja and I'm here to share my biggest learnings with you after working with executives and senior leader for over a decade.

I know first hand what it feels like to have self-doubt and to work in a men-dominated environment. But I took my career from making 26.000€ to landing my first leadership role and making a 6-digit salary before turning 30.

For the past decade I worked in Human Resources, led teams of over 20 professionals, consulted executives and hundreds of leaders of stock-listed companies, made key staffing decisions and have run multi-international projects.

And do you want to know what the #1 thing I've learned throughout this entire journey is...? 👉 Your age and experience don't matter as much as you think when it comes to leadership roles and promotions. It's about confidence, the right mindset and a few easy to learn skills..... Once you understand the fundamental laws of communication, negotiation & leadership, the sky is the limit as far as what you can achieve.

AND THAT RIGHT THERE is what inspired me to launch and create the world's most affordable online course for helping aspiring woman to develop the skills required to negotiate a fair salary and land their next promotion.

Learn how easy and simple it is to take control of your career development when you follow a proven step-by-step process. I hope you're as excited as I am for you to start your journey! I'm always available to answer questions in our community, so I hope to meet you soon in our private GirlBoss Community!

Hi There! Let Me Tell You A Few Things About Me....

My name is Nadja and I'm here to share my biggest learnings with you after working with executives and senior leader for over a decade.

I know first hand what it feels like to have self-doubt and to work in a men-dominated environment. But I took my career from making 26.000€ to landing my first leadership role and making a 6-digit salary before turning 30.

For the past decade I worked in Human Resources, led teams of over 20 professionals, consulted executives and hundreds of leaders of stock-listed companies, made key staffing decisions and have run multi-international projects.

And do you want to know what the #1 thing I've learned throughout this entire journey is...?

👉 Your age and experience don't matter as much as you think when it comes to leadership roles and promotions. It's about confidence, the right mindset and a few easy to learn skills..... Once you understand the fundamental laws of communication, negotiation & leadership, the sky is the limit as far as what you can achieve.

AND THAT RIGHT THERE is what inspired me to launch and create the world's most affordable online course for helping aspiring woman to develop the skills required to negotiate a fair salary and land their next promotion.

Learn how easy and simple it is to take control of your career development when you follow a proven step-by-step process. I hope you're as excited as I am for you to start your journey!

I'm always available to answer questions in our community, so I hope to meet you soon in our private Girlboss Community!

Who Is This Course For?

  • Literally EVERY female with career aspirations can benefit from this course

  • Everyone who loves self-development and is interested in becoming the best version of themselves

  • You want to learn how to get the next promotion or land your first leadership position

  • You value structured learning and science-based approaches

  • People who want lasting and sustainable changes

What Categories Do We Focus On?

  • Woman who want to built unstoppable self-confidence

  • ​Aspiring woman who want to take their career to next level

  • Females who are unsure of what the next best move in their career is

  • ​And so much more!

Who Is This Course NOT For?

  • You are hoping for a magic pill and aren't prepared to put in the work.

  • You hate change and don't like feedback.

  • Your aren't willing to take instructions and prefer to figure things out on your own with trial and error.

  • You do not want lasting changes and results but the fastest shortcut possible

Who Is This Course For?

  • Literally EVERY female with career aspirations can benefit from this course

  • Everyone who loves self-development and is interested in becoming the best version of themselves

  • You want to learn how to get the next promotion or land your first leadership position

  • You value structured learning and science-based approaches

  • People who want lasting and sustainable changes

What Categories Do We Focus On?

  • Woman who want to built unstoppable self-confidence

  • ​Aspiring woman who want to take their career to next level

  • Females who are unsure of what the next best move in their career is

  • ​And so much more!

Who Is This Course NOT For?

  • You are hoping for a magic pill and aren't prepared to put in the work.

  • You hate change and don't like feedback.

  • Your aren't willing to take instructions and prefer to figure things out on your own with trial and error.

  • You do not want lasting changes and results but the fastest shortcut possible

Wait! Is there a guarantee?

YES, absolutely!

If you dive into this course and don’t feel like you’re channeling your inner girlboss by the end of it, ready to take on the world - or at least your next meeting :) - I’ll gladly refund your investment.

If you are not completely SATISFIED and ENLIGHTENED, contact me within 7 Days for a full refund, no questions asked!


Is there a guarantee?

YES, absolutely!

If you dive into this course and don’t feel like you’re channeling your inner girlboss by the end of it, ready to take on the world - or at least your next meeting :) - I’ll gladly refund your investment.

If you are not completely SATISFIED and ENLIGHTENED, contact me within 7 Days for a full refund, no questions asked!

What career level is this program for?

This program is designed to be as inclusive as possible. Whether you're just starting out in your career or seeking to advance to the next level, this program is tailored to meet your needs. From general skills that benefit everyone such as time management, owning your own career development and elevating your communication skills to more advanced skills such as leadership , this program will offer career skills for every level.

How long do I have access to the program & when does it start?

The online course is self-paced, offering immediate access upon enrollment. Once you join, you'll have lifetime access to the course materials, allowing you to progress at your own pace and revisit the content whenever you need.

Can't I learn all of this on Youtube?

Absolutely, you can learn a lot of this on YouTube and I'm personally a big believer of personal development through as many channels as possible, but the nature of YouTube limits the structure of the information.

The purpose of a course like this is to achieve actual results in an extremely efficient way. Letting people figure it out on their own on YouTube generally never results in actual change or takes much longer.

This course is not only structured to optimize your learning journey but also includes practical application exercises that help you internalize and implement the concepts effectively, providing a hands-on learning experience that goes beyond passive consumption of information.

What career level is this program for?

This program is designed to be as inclusive as possible. Whether you're just starting out in your career or seeking to advance to the next level, this program is tailored to meet your needs. From general skills that benefit everyone such as time management, owning your own career development and elevating your communication skills to more advanced skills such as leadership , this program will offer career skills for every level.

How long do I have access to the program & when does it start?

The online course is self-paced, offering immediate access upon enrollment. Once you join, you'll have lifetime access to the course materials, allowing you to progress at your own pace and revisit the content whenever you need.

Can't I learn all of this on Youtube?

Absolutely, you can learn a lot of this on YouTube and I'm personally a big believer of personal development through as many channels as possible, but the nature of YouTube limits the structure of the information.

The purpose of a course like this is to achieve actual results in an extremely efficient way. Letting people figure it out on their own on YouTube generally never results in actual change or takes much longer.

This course is not only structured to optimize your learning journey but also includes practical application exercises that help you internalize and implement the concepts effectively, providing a hands-on learning experience that goes beyond passive consumption of information.

© 2024 GirlbossLifestyle

By visiting this page, you agree to terms and conditions, privacy policy & earnings disclaimer.

DISCLAIMER: The results stated on this landing page and discussed in the  The GirlBossLifestyle Course are my personal figures and in some cases the success stories of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. I'm not implying you’ll get the exact same results. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All change and transformation entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE The The GirlBossLifestyle Course Program.